“Agency is the ability to make a decision, and to be responsible for the decision you make...there’s a fork in the road. In one direction lies the opportunity to regain agency, to take responsibility for ever more of our actions and their effects. In the other direction is the race to the bottom, and the dehumanizing process of more compliance, a cog in an uncaring system.”
We build custom apps for corporations, and partner with startups to build their first app the right way. We rely on user testing and data to remove the guess work, and we fast-track user growth by building smart user acquisition plans.
— Joyce Belloise, PBS
We create your dedicated team: one Strategist, one Product Designer, and one Engineer. You will always have a direct line of communication with each of these people. We like to work closely--You can come work on site with us, we can come to you, or we can work remote.
Inspired by the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, our priority is to satisfy our customers with early and continuous delivery of valuable software. We release iterations for review every week. We work together with our clients throughout the project in a tight feedback loop. We aim to deliver working software frequently.
We welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Software typically has changing needs based on reacting to user testing and feedback. Our process embraces that. We are able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
So the first version of your product has been designed and built. Now what? In preparation for launch, we test, document, and refine before going live. From there we deploy and take a tactical approach when trying to find product market fit.
Coordinated advertising campaigns across various social media platforms, Google PPC, and other outlets are standard but always tailored to our clients' needs. Once users start adopting your product, they're part of a crucial feedback loop that we use to improve existing features and design new ones. Continuing to make the product better and better is how we then go on to grow your user base.
In this phase we identify metrics to be used to determine success, and aim to shatter them. Metrics may vary product to product but across the board we focus on acquiring more users, retaining existing ones, and boosting engagement. Retention is particularly important seeing as, without it, you don’t have a business.
OKRs must be established based on the determined metrics and then we reverse engineer ways to achieve them. How do we use existing marketing channels to acquire new users? Can we activate users who signed up but didn’t engage? What will make users refer others? These are just some of the many questions we ask ourselves along the way when growing products.
We believe that short iterations, and close collaboration with real humans is a better way to build products. We've launched apps with multi-billion dollar companies, and have helped raise millions of dollars alongside first-time founders.